PinnedCommunity rulesI won’t say what happens when you disobey them. Try if you’re bold enough.Aug 20, 20241Aug 20, 20241
PinnedAm I really a Hellenist? Or perhaps, starting another polytheist path?A personal article, giving you a glimpse into my process of discernment.Jan 11, 20241Jan 11, 20241
Wisdom lies beyond projection, just like beauty lies beyond the mirror.What our collective vanity says about our current problems8h ago8h ago
We believe in determinism because we’re at the mercy of the powerful.Anything else is wishful or fearful thinking.3d ago3d ago
Stagnation: the hidden danger narcissists (and narcissist enablers!) don’t want you to know about.Yes, I’m clickbaiting the shit out of this. My patience for the enablers’ bullshit is officially gone.5d ago35d ago3
When your attachment style isn’t what you thought it was……it feels both weird and clarifying to find out the truth.Feb 8Feb 8
How cult leaders misinterpret canon text/scriptures for personal gain.The blueprint to look out for.Feb 5Feb 5
Want to stop attracting covert narcissists? Then stop giving “saviour” people your attention.Nobody has miracle solutions to anything. If they say they have, they’re lying to inflate their own egos.Jan 302Jan 302