A lot of so-called “empaths” don’t seem to care about social justice. Let’s talk about why.
The reason why could be very uncomfortable, but if we leave it unaddressed, nothing will ever be done about it.
I won’t say what these people have in common as a group — or, better yet, which (many!) traits they have in common that would make it easy to spot most of them in a crowd with reasonable accuracy — lest I be accused of “divisive discourse”… So I’ll let you wonder. What I will say, however, is that THERE IS a crowd out there who seems to simultaneously believe they’re empaths, and have carte blanche to only care about individual issues (whilst ignoring anything collective)… And they don’t see the irony in that.
…Or maybe, just maybe, they see the irony. They’re just not ready to talk about it.
That’s not a problem. I’ll take it upon my own hands. I’ll address the elephant in the room, myself.
This article was inspired by a lot of people I’ve met in person and had the opportunity to see what they actually do VS boast about. There’s sometimes a disconnect. Other times, they don’t even bother to pretend they care about humanity. I’m sure many more of them exist all over the world, and although I don’t know everyone, perhaps this message will resonate with a few (un)lucky strangers too.
You’d think people who believe in “ascension”, “death of the ego”, “5D”, “energy work for the benefit of all”, etc, wouldn’t turn a blind eye to collective injustice. And yet…
Where is their attention when a genocide happens in Palestine?
Where are they focusing when women’s rights are under threat in North America?
Where do they look when indigenous mothers in Greenland and Nunavut are forced to part ways with their young babies because of colonial policies?
What are they doing to help the Yanomami, the Tikuna, and the many other Amazonian tribes when their land is invaded and their people is murdered by illegal trespassers backed by agribusiness giants?
Maybe these so-called “empaths” aren’t supporting the perpetrators of any of the above. Maybe they already boycott where boycotts are due, and refrain from associating with anyone who has such business connections. Maybe they don’t vote for politicians who enable the above. But they stay silent nonetheless. They stay hidden. Protected. Sheltered. “Or else” they might break, oh-so-fragile and oh-so-dainty.
I’m giving these people the benefit of the doubt here, not just to be nice, but to hammer home the following point: I’m not “out to get” anyone. This is not an “exposé” article. There is no petty agenda behind my words. And above all else, I don’t hate this spiritualistic crowd. On the contrary, I see they have a heart. THIS makes me even more mad, because if they were psychopaths, their silence around social issues would be understandable. But they’re not.
They have a heart, and they keep silent nonetheless, in good old ignore-it-til-it-goes-away fashion.
The reason why has nothing to do with personality disorder. And this reason, pardon my French, FUCKING STINKS.
They don’t believe in their strength enough to deal with reality. Instead, the only kind of collective they’re willing to dip their toes into (or dive head-first, sometimes) is high-control cults. That’s because high-control cults, for all they’re worth, with all their known and documented problems, at least are sheltered from “this crazy, messy, cruel world”. Isn’t it? Did I put into words what the “empaths” are too afraid to admit? You’re welcome.
These people crave shelter, they crave comfort, like the little damsels-in-distress they THINK they are.
The hard-to-swallow-pill is this: a lot of people who call themselves “empaths” are actually unwilling to engage with diversity and complexity. God forbid more than one collective problem exists to address at the same time! God forbid we need to “satisfice” (ie, settle for less-than-perfect temporary solutions in order to kick-start untangling this imperialistic mess we have in the world) and not have a picture-perfect, instantly-gratifying, love-and-light facade, 100% wholesome and fool-proof, impossible to be criticised by the tyrants in power, for our revolutionary movement from the get-go. Or else… “not worth it at all”. Well, in that case, sorry to inform, it won’t EVER be worth it for these people. Perfection does not exist. Flawless wholesomeness does not exist. If that’s what they want, they will be waiting forever.
(Pictured above) all the oppressed minorities waiting for certain people to help them more vocally and emphatically. “Sorry buddy, hold on there, we WILL be by your side when this activity becomes 100% risk-free and easy-as-a-piece-of-cake for us. Just another moment please”.
So-called “empaths” want something like Midsommar. A band-aid solution to colonialism which brings wiht itself its own problems, but at least it looks nice for the onlookers. At least people don’t find it “ugly”. At least external validation would be guaranteed, and then all the inner work to find their long-lost self-reliance and inner strength can be bypassed.
They’re not “empaths”. They’re just weak and fragile. Fragility is the keyword we need to use here.
Oh, but wait! They do care a whole bunch about animal rights and preserving the planet.
…Because they’re a different species, so any potential rejection from the group of animals they’re helping wouldn’t sting as much as a rejection by a human group. Right? Animals are easy for us humans to protect. Some of us don’t because of lack of empathy, but if you have empathy at all, you do. You’re not hoping to “get something in exchange” from these animals because you’re not identifying as one of them.
ON THE OTHER HAND, when it comes to helping our fellow human beings, it feels different. We want a guarantee that there will be gratitude, “or else”.
It’s a hard-to-swallow pill. I already mentioned this fact. I won’t be surprised if this ruffles people’s feathers. Complain away! Off you go. Call me names. Or don’t; Perhaps be passive-aggressive if that’s more your style. I don’t care, because in the end of the day I’m not lying. In the end of the day, once the “sting” from my words passes, you will HAVE to admit I have a point.
Oh, but wait! They do care about mental health and other human issues that can be dealt with individually.
…Because, again, the problem isn’t lack of empathy. The problem is lack of courage to face a group, come what may. Individuality is a piece of cake: if you’re self-confident, great, happy days! If you AREN’T self-confident, also great, because that means you have no-one to “handle” other than yourself until you arrive where you feel you should be. There’s no danger of ostracism, no danger of ungratefulness from others, no danger of judgement.
There’s no collective when you’re dealing with the individual. Nothing “bigger than” you to intimidate you or make you feel like a little grain of sand on a beach at the mercy of all other grains of sand, and waves, and whatnot.
When all you’re focusing on is yourself, you have an illusion of greater control. Control is one of those things we crave when deep down, very deep down, beyond our facades and beyond our denial, down to our very exposed core, what we REALLY feel is weak and fragile.
Oh, but wait! They know so-fucking-much about spirituality, you’re just unaware of the work they’re doing behind the scenes in silence and in secret.
Yes, “thoughts and prayers” would be the Christian version of that.
I said I would address an elephant in the room. I delivered on the promise. Reactions will be what they will be, and I am honestly indifferent to that. People who are genuinely interested in continuing the conversation are welcome to. People who just wanna rage under the false pretense of continuing the conversation are also welcome to. All I’m saying is I wasn’t born yesterday and I can see through low-effort deceit.
Someone needs to say the uncomfortable. I happen to be that “someone”, for the time being.
Solution-wise, I’m not suggesting anyone should burn themselves out or spread themselves thin trying to cover all the social justice causes that need a helping hand. If you gathered that from my words, re-read the article with more attention. What I’m saying is there are people who could be doing some actually impactful work on ONE of these human dignity causes, no matter how small, and yet they don’t; They choose instead to spend their entire spare time talking about some Newage individualistic daydream. What can I say? It’s… A choice.
It’s also pretty ironic when so many people consider themselves “empaths”, but this empathic superpower only renders results on an individual level; When it comes to the collective hands-on work, oh, “it’s too stressful”. Oh, right. Sure. Funny how fighting ghosts and other energy-draining entities is more doable for them. Not stressful at all? Uh-huh. “Distress” is the real problem? I see. Okay then, talk to me when you have overcome this denial. I won’t force my way through anyone’s delusion. Each person at their own pace. :)
I don’t consider myself an empath, for the record. Neither do the atheists and non-denominational people I work with in community development and social activism (Yes, surprise! Feel free to marvel at the fact I am not chronically online, so I don’t feel the need to share EVERYTHING on this blog. If you know me, you know me. I’m in control of my social media, not controlled BY social media). Anyway, I’m no outsider looking in. I wrote this article from experience too. But what do I know, anyway? I can’t save everybody from their blindness.
What I CAN do, however, is see through certain people. And that’s something I’m not unseeing ever again.