And you know what, JLP? You're entitled to your opinion about me. If you had just said you dislike the way I handled this debate, I wouldn't even have replied. It was just the disrespect and lack of boundaries that irritated me. You came here full sure you're entitled to boss me around. No you aren't.
Go feel your feelings. Go tell your friends all about me. But the one thing I will NOT allow you to do here is disrespect me, because you have no power over me. I'm not your maid. I'm not your slave. I'm a free person and we're no longer in the 1700s. THEREFORE I can handle whatever situation arises in my own article however the hell I feel is best. It's MY decision, you see. The power here is mine, not yours. I'm the one in charge, not you. You're just a person who came over here out of your own free will. Wanna have power? Then control your own blog. Not other people's. Clarifying since you clearly don't understand boundaries.
If you disrespect me once more, I'll block you for good. Just try me and you'll see.