Aphrodite taught me…

…that kindness to malicious people isn’t a sign of fear. It’s wisdom.

Lucy the Oracle
7 min readApr 21, 2024
Photo by Carli Jeen on Unsplash

If you know me at all, you’re aware I am as truthful as it gets. It’s not a performance, I couldn’t care less for validation — it’s just who I am.

There are many perks to being a truthful person. For example, the ease with which good job offers simply come to me is remarkable. I’ve never been unemployed! People trust me to do things for them, because they know they can count on me. I’m truthful. I don’t fool people or act mischievous, pretty much ever. I don’t “doublespeak”, don’t backpedal, don’t half-arse, don’t bail on my schedule without good reason, and don’t contradict my words with my actions. It’s as simple as that (although simple doesn’t always mean easy. None of that is easy. But I keep doing it all because I’m committed).

On the other hand, there is a huge non-perk to this truthful lifestyle: every time I cross paths with dishonest, cunning, mischievous people… They get the best of me. Every single time.

I’ve always wondered why that is… Until I got to know Aphrodite.

In fact, I didn’t simply approach this goddess because I needed a favour. No, she did me a favour without my asking, because she wanted and that’s that. I initially approached her because I noticed a pattern in my life: at least 8 every 10 people in my life (between acquaintances and casual friends, and even some family) have STRONG Venusian vibes. It could be a shit ton of Taurus and Libra in their charts, or just a very “girly” and magnetic presence overall — but most people in my life, without fail, at every single period and in every single place I’ve ever set foot on… have “a thing” with Aphrodite. People good and bad, close and distant, of every kind. It really is an interesting pattern. This made me think “maybe Aphrodite wants my attention”. That was the initial reason why I recently called to her.

As it turns out, no, this goddess wasn’t exactly “calling” me; but she is generous and amazing so she responded anyway. Truth is, I’m not necessarily attracting people who are connected to her energy; these people exist everywhere naturally… But they tend to stay in my life when I let them in, because they have something that I lack — and they’re often coming from the shadow side of this “something”. (I’ll repeat once again what I keep saying, lest you cancel me: we are all here on this planet to learn. If anyone was perfect, they’d be enlightened. Regular people, me included, have vices and shadows. Don’t like hearing it? Get out of my blog).

And what would the “shadow side” of Aphrodite be, exactly?

Well… things like emotional manipulation; Emotional enmeshment and unhealthy attachment; Entitled attitudes and “Karen-like” demands; Fake flattery and secret plotting/gossip (two-faced). You get the idea. All of these things come from an overinflated ego — hence they’re a shadow side of something potentially more beautiful.

Photo by Josh Appel on Unsplash

When “Venusian” people want to be nice, they’re lovely company — one of the best you could have. They’re fun but not obnoxious, helpful but not invasive, pleasant but not “too much”. However, if you get on their wrong side, it can be difficult to come out of it without a huge blow to your public image and reputation. That’s what kept happening to me.

I’m not sure why, but it’s very easy for me to ruffle these people’s feathers. Jealousy? Projections? Who knows! All I know is I don’t have, and have never had, ANYTHING against them. They get worked up on their own, like shooting their own feet and insisting that I had the gun (if the metaphor helps), because I guess blaming the scapegoat (aka me) is more low-effort than owning up to their self-destructive bullshit. It’s bizarre.

Whenever that happens, they put me between a rock and a hard place — if I confront them for having demanded something way too outlandish out of me, or if I defend myself from a fake accusation they made, they resort to playing “crying victim uwu” because “evil Lucy is being negative to me. I am so hurt and fragile right now. Won’t anyone have mercy? Look at my puppy eyes”… And on the other hand, if I choose not to confront them at all and instead explain very calmly why I am unable to cater to them, they always find a way of twisting the narrative so that it looks like I am “acting high and mighty” and “being a snob to them, the poor sweethearts who only wanted to get along. How cruel and awful”. Och! The drama! Do we have violins for background music?

Are you disgusted at the above? Good. But I bet you any money, you’re only empathising with me because you’re not caught-up in this underhanded fight. If you were, you would totally side with the poor crybabies with puppy eyes because HOW DARE anyone NOT do that? Look how cute and helpless they are!

This is where the lesson I recently learned with Aphrodite comes in.

Martial energy FEEDS Venusian energy. It’s true for the luminous healthy side of these energies… But it’s also true for their shadow. The more one side (mine) insists in either fighting or freezing, the more the other side (theirs) will feed on that and twist the narrative so they can get away with all the bullshit AND THEN SOME. That’s because they’re very smart and know they can’t beat me at “being strong”… but they can, instead, roleplay as “weak” and gain people’s pity even if it’s undeserved. It’s twisted, it’s bordering on sociopathic behaviour, but it works. If it didn’t, they wouldn’t repeat the behaviour again and again like a broken record.

So, instead of an actual fight… I’ve just realised it’s best to try some tango.

Some people consider tango a dance style that evokes a game of seduction. As a Latin American person myself… I think this is only half-true. Si, por supuesto, el tango portrays a game of seduction… But the dancers aren’t seducing each other. They’re seducing the audience. Ever realised that? It’s a pretty cool subtlety. Try watching tango with that in mind, and you’ll gain a new understanding of it.

Likewise, “Venusian” people in their shadow aspect aren’t really trying to win over the opponent (or as is my case so many times, the opponent they insist is out to get them, out of a delusion inside their heads). They’re trying to win external support against this perceived opponent. Pretty easy feat when you “look put together” and the other person “looks like a savage”, isn’t it?

That’s why I suggested an approach that resembles tango, because in tango both parties are elegant and put together. It’s an ever-present, nonstop elegance, even in the routines where you can see (and feel!) that tension between them. So… who is the savage now? Who is the violent person now? Who is the negative person now? Huh??? Who is it, motherfucker?! Why, no one! When you stop the war, and start to tango instead, it’s possible to combat a malicious “Venusian” person with their own weapon. They can’t simply throw themselves on the floor and start crying dramatically, because it will look very forced and fake. It’s “just a dance”, after all. Hey, it’s beautiful! Aren’t we all supposed to enjoy and admire? There is no place for victim and culprit anymore.

Oh, what is it I’m hearing? Not fair? Sweetie… Fairness is with Athena. If you want fairness, you need to be a bit more brave and admit your own wrongdoings before demanding ANYTHING. We’re not doing that, are we? Awww, no, of course we’re not, sweetie pie. We’re just focusing on beautiful vs ugly, then. Deal? Yay, it’s a deal! I love it when we can be on the same page. <3

So, let’s dance! And instead of calling you out on anything (aka exposing the ugly. Oh, no! How outrageous would that be! *Hides a gasp behind a fan*…), I’ll just focus on enhancing the beauty of what I’m already doing, the very thing you said bothers you… And sell it to the audience as I glide like a swan across the dance floor. Your move now, madame.

Didn’t I write something about Yin and Yang a while back? It applies to so many things, doesn’t it? Ares and Aphrodite, for example. There’s a little bit of each in the other and vice-versa.

I hope the metaphors above are helpful. Unfortunately, we’re not doing a whole load of transparency in this article, but I’m sure other people could potentially relate it to their own individual stories. If it helps others, I’m already happy.

Here’s to Aphrodite! I can’t wait to learn more with her lovely energy.

Photo by Matthieu Joannon on Unsplash



Lucy the Oracle

Oracle learner / spirit worker based in Ireland. Buddhist/polytheist. I don't read minds. I don't change minds. I don't sugarcoat. Take my message or leave it.