Community rules

I won’t say what happens when you disobey them. Try if you’re bold enough.

Lucy the Oracle
2 min readAug 20, 2024

If you choose to follow me, here is what to expect:

  1. I don’t promote or tolerate anti-Science material. I don’t associate myself with anti-Science morons of ANY religious denomination. I’ve been fooled in the past, but my blacklist is ever-growing. As soon as I find out someone is anti-Science, it’s goodbye.
  2. Similarly, I don’t promote or tolerate religious intolerance coming from self-righteous Atheists. This isn’t 5th grade. In theory, we should all be adults. Alas, childishness is rampant on Medium — but not on my blog if I can help it.
  3. I don’t discuss with attention-seekers. At most, you’ll see me okaying their comments. Most of them are secret admirers, in fact. Let’s leave them alone.
  4. You won’t see me trying to censor or shut down gossip about me outside of Medium. Feel free, in case you’re childish enough. In my comment section, however, disrespect is off limits. Say whatever you want, just not to my face. Not my circus, not my monkeys. This blog has an owner and she expects decency.
  5. If you think I called you out, put on the goddamn shoe. You have no right to try silencing me, and I’m under no obligation to please you.
  6. On a similar note, my blog is free of charge because I’m not getting paid to write. It’s not “free for all”, I’m just in full command of what I say. I thought people would be smart enough to realise that, but here we are.
  7. If you come in good faith, feel free to interact any time. You’ll find a community of intelligent and interesting commenters here. This is why it’s so important not to feed the trolls.

Happy browsing!



Lucy the Oracle

Oracle learner / spirit worker based in Ireland. Buddhist/polytheist. I don't read minds. I don't change minds. I don't sugarcoat. Take my message or leave it.