Hi! Great article as always! Would you mind elaborating on this point? How do I go about telling gently, exactly? I run into this kind of woman a lot. Not as lovers, but as friends. And in my understanding, they're deluding themselves that I like their company in my life, when in fact, no, I don't - we don't have the same values, or a similar personality, or compatible pursuits. But somehow, for some mysterious reason I can't quite put my finger on, they keep insisting that we should stay together. And I keep gently nudging them towards realising that ISN'T the case but they don't get the memo. And when I finally go back to my (normal, relaxed) direct communication style and tell them straight-up "look, I'm not interested in your friendship. Thanks but no thanks", they rage at me and accuse me of being rude.
I'm at a loss here. It keeps repeating in my life. I would LOVE to leave this kind of person without a big fight + blocking them on social media and avoiding on the streets.
Do you have a suggestion?