If you allow fear to control you, you’re NOT a “high vibrational” person.

Sorry to inform.

Lucy the Oracle
5 min readDec 26, 2024

This is not to say you can’t eventually become it. In fact, I believe this is our collective purpose on this Earth — precisely, to become more aware and compassionate — but until and if we get there, we can’t jump straight to assuming we are there.

Very few people are wise. I don’t even think it reaches double digits. Yes, globally.

Wisdom and spiritual learning are also subject to the Dunning-Kruger effect. This is probably why so many unwise people sell mentorship, counselling, and other services geared towards guiding others. For instance, every single person I’ve ever mistaken for a master was in this category. Not all were destructive or traumatised me, but all of them, without exception, left me with a nagging feeling that I had reached a dead-end.

I don’t think this nagging feeling was wrong.

Photo by M.T ElGassier on Unsplash

Fear can take up many forms.

It’s part of the human experience. If we could get rid of our capacity for fear, we’d also get rid of our survival instinct. Not a very smart decision.

But it’s possible to live life in spite of fear. It’s possible to go and pursue what we need or want, regardless of the fact our heart is pounding and our mind is catastrophising. Isn’t it? Like the old saying goes, courage is not the absence of fear; Courage is feeling fear and stepping up anyway.

Maybe if you’re one of us spiritual bloggers, you’ll read this and think, “nah, that’s not me. I don’t let fear control me”. And in that case, allow me to ask: really? Are you sure?

Denial can be dangerous. Think again. Are you 100% sure you don’t let your fears control you?

I know for a fact I do. Not all the time, but I do. And the fact I do once in a blue moon is already sufficient for me to conclude I’m not wise yet. You probably aren’t either.

Allow me to give you a few examples:

  • Do your boundaries consist of “strictly no contact” with a significant number of people (to the point you avoid certain places or activities now)? Guess what. You’re letting your fear of conflict control you. It’s ok to have boundaries. In fact, it’s necessary. But being THAT hard-core? Uhhhhhh I don’t know, pal. Maybe rethink that.
  • Do you have an automatic urge to give a vague and elusive answer whenever anyone asks you a question that goes beyond small talk (or that concerns a potentially controversial topic)? Well… It looks like you’re letting your fear of rejection control you. It’s ok to say “no” to conversations you’re not into… but come on, we both know that’s not the real issue here. Seriously. Dont lie to me, and don’t lie to yourself either. Enough excuses already! This is not a case of “mere disinterest, la la la, nothing to see here”. You’re just afraid that this person will reject or treat you poorly in case you guys disagree. And what if that does happen? You’ll feel uncomfortable I bet. So, you’re prioritising comfort over truly making a connection. “Congratulations”. You let fear win. How are you supposed to exercise compassion, if you’re THAT afraid of others? Bitch, please.
  • Do you panic when you catch yourself unprepared? Be it lack of preparedness for work, or a test, or for the weather, or, IDK, if you get off on the wrong bus stop and it’s an area you don’t know well… Do you panic in the inside? Be honest. I don’t wanna hear “acceptable” responses, I wanna hear the truth. Do you panic? If so, you’re letting your fear of the unknown control you. A truly wise person would perhaps be disappointed and say “well, that’s a bummer” but they wouldn’t panic. Not even for a second.
  • Do you avoid certain environments most people enjoy or foods most people enjoy like the plague? Pay attention. I don’t think there’s a problem with having preferences for your normal routine. But avoiding anything like the plague, even when unfortunately your favourite stuff isn’t available??? Otherwise you feel awkward and judgemental? Honey… Unless you have a medical condition that justifies that, I don’t think it’s wise. Let’s be honest here: it’s not. We both know. So, get off the high horse. This high horse you’re on is just a cover-up for a fear of adaptation. Yes, you’re afraid to adapt. You wanna stay rigid, controlling, with the upper hand. And you call that high vibrational? Stop it. That’s embarrassing.
  • Likewise, do you always decline invitations to go “low vibe” places? Unless it’s illegal or going to get you in practical trouble, again, that’s a fear-based response. You’re afraid of not handling it, you don’t trust yourself, therefore you’renot wise. Yes, I know, when you work a lot with spirituality you get a bit sensitive, but don’t we have safeguards and cleansing rituals for the very purpose of existing in this diverse world? Come on. Yes we do. There’s no need to act like a snob. You know who was high vibrational? Jesus. And he didn’t reject people from “questionable” backgrounds, as we all know. Let’s do better.
  • Do you hide your real intention or your real feelings from others? For example, do you feel like you “should” hide your anger or outrage because it’s not spiritual to get angry or outraged? Do you hide the fact you’re envying someone, or dislike someone, etc, because it’s not socially “good” to admit those things? Look, I’m not telling you to go around broadcasting your politically incorrect stuff, and staying silent is fine, but you know what ISN’T fine? Denial. Jumping straight to the opposite and treating someone you actually dislike with exaggerated niceness, or someone you envy with false accusations just to mask the fact YOU are hating on them unprovoked… etc. There’s no need for any of that. These are all fear-based responses. Fear of being an impostor (as if!). Fear of reprimands (and do people pay your bills by any chance? No? Well, then, their reprimands wouldn’t have a reason to be, would they? You’re giving them this much power over you when they deserve none). None of that is wise.

This article isn’t meant to make anyone feel ashamed — but if it happens, oh well, I can’t control that. It’s just meant to get people out of denial. I don’t have a high horse, anyhow. We’re in this same boat. The difference is I don’t have a facade to maintain. What you see is what you get, because I’m not in denial. So I think I’m qualified enough to teach others about denial.

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Lucy the Oracle
Lucy the Oracle

Written by Lucy the Oracle

Oracle learner / spirit worker based in Ireland. Buddhist/polytheist. I don't read minds. I don't change minds. I don't sugarcoat. Take my message or leave it.

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