Martial magic: an overview of intermediate techniques.
It’s just an overview. Don’t be expecting mentorship from this article.
This has been on the back of my mind for a while. Initially I thought of keeping it to myself, but I’ve concluded it is valid to share. People in general need to have an idea of what it takes to go past the basics. If they don’t, they’ll just keep assuming that it’s easy as buying a book that makes promises but doesn’t actually deliver. (Or worse, try the scammy shit, see it didn’t work, and assume you somehow “deserve” the attacks or it’s “wrong” to defend yourself and you should be meek like a damsel in distress. That’s never true, you just need to learn that REAL spirituality isn’t marketable).
I also won’t get into why people attack each other, because that’s a tangent and it applies across the board to other kinds of attacks (including the non-spiritual ones, which we’re all used to). If you think everyone is “a good person deep down”, okay, very nice, but don’t be trying to silence me or others who offer information on how to deal with what ACTUALLY happens. Let’s be realistic: yes, everyone has a potential. But do we deal with potentials? No. We deal with people. People with egos. These people with egos, more often than not, will give in to their evil impulses, REGARDLESS of the twee and romanticised potential for goodness that might be buried somewhere deep down.
In other words: think long and hard before telling me to shut up about this topic, because if you do, my dear, you’ll be “owned” in my response to you. Don’t want to be humiliated in public? Then leave my comment section alone and free of trolling. I’m a very short-tempered lady, I advise people not to try me. If you’re used to circuses and free-for-alls, sorry to inform, my blog does not fit that category.
With that in mind, let’s get to it.
1. Dealing with subtle attacks.
Maybe your impulse is to think subtle attacks are easy to handle, because they’re subtle. Well… No. In fact, the opposite is true. You need a very good foundation in energy handling and spiritual self-defense to even detect them — but they do a good bit of damage if you just ignore them. Another reason why these are nasty is they happen spontaneously, which means there is zero to little insecurity or doubt in the attacker’s field. (ie, the person KNOWS with a lot of conviction that they CAN attack you subtly. This lends their subtle curses power and helps them “land” on you).
On the other hand, I’ll repeat again: these are subtle. By that, I mean they don’t last long in your energy field (ie, they go away by themselves even if you don’t defend yourself. You might take a hit but it won’t feel like it’s chronic). So, watch out for how often these happen. If they come from a person you see often, maybe some distance is in order, as well as stronger boundaries. Stop talking so much to them, stop giving them so much time of your day.
1.1 Energy vampires
A clarification is in order: nobody is an energy vampire permanently. This is not about nature, it’s about behaviour. Hence, the person behaving like a vampire can very well be a friend or family member you’d never suspect. It happens a lot. Don’t give anyone a free pass. Vampirism is sometimes a spontaneous thing; not even the attacker realises they’re attacking you — especially not if they have serious issues with self-awareness. Regardless, it happens, and it should be dealt with.
To summarise, energy vampires are compared to the mythical vampires who feed off blood, because they “feed” off energy from their victims. This is a nuanced and subtle concept, which is why there are people who consider it entirely psychological and not “woo woo”. Nonetheless I’m including this here, because it’s one of those situations where if you call the person out, you’ll be gaslighted to hell and back. There’s a better and more “occult” way to deal with it:
If you’re new to energy work (like most people are — it’s a learnable human skill like any other, even though complete newbies would consider it “awesome and mystical” because modern society doesn’t take these topics seriously), don’t bother with that. You’ll want to stick to the psychological technique of “grey rock”. That’s because, on a surface level, vampires bait you and wait for your reaction (which they feed off as validation, while you waste your time, and they continue the cycle by giving you more and more word salad full of baits). Your job is to not take the baits. What does this require? Simple (but not easy!) — keep your ego under control. Your ego will feel threatened. It will say to you, “look at the audacity! You need to defend yourself from this person’s out-of-the-blue assumptions about you”, but you must resist the urge. Remember: if the person HAD NOT baited you, WOULD YOU spontaneously and out of your free will, BE HAPPY TO get into the topics you’re talking about with them? No? Then, they’re baiting you. And that’s your cue to give them silence and indifference. Which do you prefer: To gain their validation? (Spoiler alert: you will NEVER) Or to save energy for other more worthwhile things?
Yes, there will be emotions in the way. Especially so if you had expectations for that person, and thus you placed a lot of trust on them — which you now have to withdraw. It’s necessary anyway.
If you already know how to handle energy (and probably already have a spiritual path and tradition you’re learning from), you know there’s no difference between these people and the “attachments” that exist in the spiritual realm. They both behave the same way and should be handled the same way. I won’t get into how, if you know you know, I’m just mentioning it.
1.2 Ill-wishes and other “jinxes”
The most common type is the one that comes from envy, so let’s start with the obvious by debunking a common myth: envy DOES NOT entail objectivity. Envy is ALWAYS subjective. What you envy is probably something that somebody else, somewhere in the world, considers totally worthless. You can’t predict what kinds of thing people “will always” envy or what kinds of thing people “will always” consider unimportant. I know narcissists try to predict that, because they rely heavily on stereotypes and societal rules, but they’re wrong. In truth, you can never know. Diversity exists whether you deny it or not.
I said the above because you need to keep it in mind in order to understand this: if your intuition is telling you that your neighbour John envies your pile of crap, don’t laugh. It’s probably true. You think it’s crap, but he thinks it’s gold. I’m not saying you should defend your crap from him (because that would lead to you “buying into” the dynamics of envy and becoming even more enmeshed energy-wise) or worse, give it to him (because that would reinforce his assumption of his own inferiority, feeding his hatred for you and consequently the attacks). But you need to acknowledge what you perceived with an open mind. That’s step 1. You don’t go to step 2 before that.
Step 2 entails how to actually proceed: so, this situation is the opposite of an energy vampire (hence I put it in a different category, but watch out, the same person can do both). The attacker attacks not by subtracting from you, but by giving you what’s theirs. Usually, their energetic “trash”, kind of like having an entitled neighbour who doesn’t pay for recycling services and instead fills YOUR bin with their stuff. The envious (to follow the above example) will give you their “inferiority trash” for you to “take out” for him. If it’s not envy but something less common — for example prejudice — the prejudiced will give you their “fear trash” for you to take out. Etc. The rejected object may change but the dynamics is always the same, and it entails an attacker trying to force you to deal with their stuff against your will.
You probably guessed what is needed here, but I’ll tell you anyway: separate wheat and chaff. What is yours to deal with? And what is somebody else’s, but they’re refusing to do their fair share of shadow work? The moment you reach clarity about what belongs to whom, it’s like closing the bin and putting a lock on it. You’ll no longer be a target for their little curses. There are occult ways to go about this much faster, but they require knowledge I won’t share in public. The psychological route will need you to become more self-aware and aware of others than you’re probably comfortable with — but it’s worth it. And if you don’t have time or resources for either, just follow my rule of thumb and start avoiding the person more.
1.3 Projective “prayers” for you to “heal”
If you’re naive, you’ll say these twisted “prayers” are none of your business. If you understand a thing or two about energies, you know they can be the reason why you’re suddenly and out of nowhere doubting yourself again, or diving into a pit of shame and guilt about things that aren’t even your fault. Guess what. The person whose fault it is probably “prayed” for you to do just that.
There are 2 ways to detect these, and 2 ways only. The first is if you’re learning oracle like I am (my path takes 20 years. It’s not a walk in the park). The second doesn’t require any magic at all, but it does require detachment and observation: if someone you know is constantly — or even sometimes. I’d risk saying one time is too many! — “praying” for others to “find common sense” or “become better people” or whatever it is they expect others to do… And tell you about it… You can be certain that they’ll do the same against you. It’s like gossip, a gossiper will turn on you too, don’t be deluded they only tell you “the tea” about others. It’s always a two-way road. I know it feels good to deny that and delude yourself that this kind of person is loyal, but the sooner you take off those rose-tinted glasses, the better.
Learn this, once and for all: you’re only responsible for YOUR morality, and other people are responsible for theirs. If their moral mishaps lead them to disobey the law, let the Courts judge them and the cops arrest them. If their moral mishaps lead them to create karma, let the gods and other higher powers judge them and punish them. Who is it that SHOULD NOT be wielding the gavel and dealing punishments? You. Insignificant individual in a crowd of 8 billion. You have no business with that. (Now, apply this rant to whoever is thinking too highly of themselves and “praying” for others to “become who they should be”, because no, it’s not wholesome. It’s an energy attack. It’s rooted in control and manipulation. It’s the stuff evil is made of).
You deal with this one by creating distance, there really is no other way. Whoever has an inflated sense of self-importance like that does not deserve your time. And if you’re guilty of it, improve.
2. Dealing with spiritual stalking
This ranges from incessant “twisted prayers” (see above) against you to invading your dreams, and other attacks I won’t get into. Except, in this case, we’re looking at a persistent attacker, not the kind who just did it once. Ya know stalkers? Exactly. Apply the same logic.
How do we usually deal with stalkers? We get restraining orders, that’s how. In the spirit realm, restraining orders exist too and they can involve many different kinds of help. The more powerful your help, the higher will be your price to pay, but the greater will be your peace of mind. The simplest of them, however, is individual (you don’t need to enlist any spirit), can be signed by anyone — even a total newbie — and I call it “diluting the stalker’s power”.
What do I mean by diluting? Let’s make a Chemistry analogy: when you add a solvent to your concentrate, you’re letting this solvent break it down in order to spread out its particles and make the whole chemical weaker / less effective at delivering its active ingredient.
Now, translating that into plain English: when power is concentrated into one spot, if you manage to spread it out, it will become less effective against its target. And isn’t that what stalkers rely on? ONE ONLY link they found to their target (the stalked person), through which they can send their attacks and hopefully be noticed? Well, bingo. All you need to do is find out what is their one link to you, and instead of defending it with all your strength, you just spread out some of this energy so that it’s too weak before it reaches you. It’s not possible in the material realm, but it’s possible with energies because energies are immaterial and behave like liquids. I won’t teach you how, but I’ll make a mundane analogy for the uninitiated as always:
Let’s suppose your stalker is an ex who has been sending you intentions for you to think of him even when you don’t wanna, dream of him against your will, etc. What is the ONE LINK you have with an ex — any ex? Romance. Yes, I know, it died out, that’s why you’re exes, but he’s relying on that specific energy blueprint. The thing about romantic attraction (or all “links”, as you’ll soon realise) is it IS NOT and CANNOT EVER BE concentrated on one person only. I mean, raise your hand if you’ve ever had a crush on a celebrity, or a fictional character, or a classmate. It’s only human to feel attracted to many, even if you choose to be loyal to one at a time. So, focus on all of them every time he attempts to attack. All of them at once and equally. This mere mental focus — bonus points if you can remember the feelings — will dilute it. It’s like telling the stalker, “ah, sorry, get in the queue. You’re too late here”.
Same with family, because we’re made of at least two parents, and a zillion ancestors. Oh, they’re using blood? Okay. Get in the queue. It goes back to prehistory. Good luck reaching the door.
3. Dealing with “love” spells.
I’m being sarcastic here in my use of “love” because, well, you probably know what I mean. It’s not real love. It’s manipulative magic. It’s forcing someone else to fall for you, even if in their free will they never would.
Funny enough, I’ve never received one of these from a man. Both times, it was from women, so, heads up, don’t forget there are homosexuals out there and all sorts of diversity love-wise. Let’s not be naive that all LGBTQ+ are wholesome people, just because they’re socially oppressed. Nope. Some of them are narcissistic, psychopathic, and all sorts of nasty… That’s because they’re human beings, and human beings come in all shapes and forms — including the nasty.
Love spells don’t go away with the dilution strategy because they don’t rely on reality. They essentially create a simulacrum of romantic attraction “out of nowhere”. That’s why they take skill.
The key to dodging them is in upping your self-esteem and self-worth. A lonely person is great target for love spells, because the loneliness will bind you. If you try to bind someone who is more secure (not even perfectly secure, just decently secure! A functional human being who isn’t a slave to their own emotions), you will not succeed, even with the most sophisticated workings. Above all else, keep in mind: if you fell for someone “suddenly” and you know you haven’t ever fallen for someone like them (I guarantee you, they’re not your type. They know that), that’s your cue. In my specific case, again both instances, I was looking for friendship with these people, so the loneliness was there — but when things took this creepy turn where I started fantasising romantically, I went like, “whoa. Wait a second now”… And noticed it. But that’s because I am no newbie, I have my divination tools and whatnot. Neither am I naive to call them out. (Even here).
If the person who bound you were your type, they’d try approaching you the conventional way and not through a love spell. So I’ll repeat, they’re not your type, they know it, and this is the best rule of thumb to go by. It will feel like it’s authentic attraction (and you’ll probably give it MORE power if you believe “love takes you by surprise” — no it doesn’t, love requires consent for you to feel it, you’ll feel someone is attracted to you out of a sudden but your mutuality is never sudden and always requires consent. Don’t forget that). If you can’t come up with reasons why, or if you try writing a fictional story where a character resembling this person is your love interest, and it feels forced… Trust me, it’s not real, the person is using your loneliness against you (a very nasty attitude, it creates HUUUUUGE karma for them). Cut contact ASAP and focus solely on self-care for at least a month.
OR if you’re skilled, dismantle it first. Not an easy task.
So, these are the situations where intermediate self-defense techniques are needed. I’ll let you wonder what the advanced stuff entails.
I hope this was clarifying. Feel free to share your opinions in good faith.