No, that's you taking the comment out of context. I said that is THE IMPRESSION I GET according to my own personal experience. You're trying to silence me. You can't. I have every right to say how I feel about what I have seen and experienced in life. You can't prove I made a generalisation, I was talking about my life, not the world in general. I came sharing my story and asking for white women's perspectives because I was curious to see if I'm being just unlucky or not. Nowhere at all in the entire article have I simply been "hateful". I simply told a story. I invited you to tell me other stories that do not confirm it - in doing so, I came with the assumption my own experience DOES NOT REPRESENT EVERYONE'S EXPERIENCE.
Meanwhile you're butthurt and afraid to admit it. The more you act holier-than-thou here, the more you prove that you didn't come here to help, you're just another merciless person. This comment section is full of actually helpful people. Perhaps you can learn a thing or two about NOT TRYING to dictate someone's right to a feeling if you read them.