The #1 problem you need to address if you’re a healer.
It’s called projection. Yes, I said what I said. You can get mad at me, or you can open your mind and read this article.
No arrogance shall pass. If you act arrogant in the comments, I’ll block you. Don’t even think about it. Listen now. Just sit and listen. Get humble for once.
Am I calling spiritual healers/teachers/coaches/etc arrogant? Yes. FEARLESSLY. Just try silencing me about it, you’ll see what will happen!
I’m sick and tired of this self-righteous and fearful response I keep getting when I address this topic. I said it and will say it again: just listen. I’m the teacher now. I’m not requesting, I’m demanding, and if you don’t obey there will be consequences. I’ve requested far too many times. Now my patience is over. Don’t you even dare crossing me, you don’t know what you’re up against.
The entire realisation that led me to write this article came from reading this. Now, as some of you may know (and in case you don’t, I explained it in another article), I follow these “twin flame” blogs for self-awareness only. I’m not looking for love, and I’m no longer looking for friendship either. In doing so (in ignoring the “partnership” bit of twin flame wisdom), I’ve come to realise it can be helpful for everyone’s individual awakening — namely, if you lean more towards the divine masculine side of the spectrum, you can benefit from reading about it; if you lean more towards the feminine, ditto. It’s not about finding somebody else. It’s about finding yourself; Your own balanced centre.
The above is about energy. It has nothing to do with your gender identity and it has even less to do with your genitals. You can very much be a divine masculine woman. In fact, that’s what I keep crossing paths with. And they project onto me the lessons about surrender that THEY should learn instead. It’s no wonder I don’t make progress when they try to “help” me! It’s no wonder they “don’t know how to help me” either! They’re on a high horse. As long as they stay on this high horse, they are not going to reach me, or anybody else who leans “divine feminine” either, genuinely.
(That’s why I said the #1 problem they need to address is projection)
Most healers [who advertise services] are divine masculine. NOT feminine.
Shocker, right? We usually assume they’re “feminine” because, oh, well, they’re sensitive and intuitive, and pop culture told us these are female qualities. Yeah, no, if you’re relying on pop culture for guidance, grow up (or get in line with the idiot who compared spiritual callings to comicbook superheroes. Yes I will keep bitching about him. When people have immature behaviour with me, they make it into my storytelling. If you don’t want that to happen to you, behave as the adult you are. I’m sure I’m not asking too much when I ask that. It’s basic decency). There are better sources, for example mythology. Who is the god of intuition, sensitivity, and medicine? Google it. Is it a goddess? Nope. It’s a god. Male. Divine masculine. He works with some divine feminine people (hi there), but does not represent this divine feminine. A goddess represents it instead. That’s precisely WHY certain myths are the way they are.
That’s also why certain knee-jerk reactions against this god (or insert here your cultural equivalent) are also the way they are. Because I sure as hell am not reacting to him, I think he’s valuable. It’s the masculine people who have a negative reaction. It’s good old divine masculine egotism and arrogance, creating projections because they lean towards divine masculine (but project that, instead of owning and admitting that. Hence projection).
I think the only person I’ve met who came close to admitting this was the last coach I consulted — a woman who sells courses on how to address limiting beliefs. She even tells the story of how she used to think it was “her duty” to be “very Yin” in life (ie, divine feminine) when in fact what she needed to do was embrace her Yang tendency and learn more about it in order to reach a balance (instead of the Yin extreme she once pursued). So, kudos to her for coming to that realisation. No-one else I’ve ever met, in my 30-something years of talking to spiritual people [and always always always always always attracting “healers” in my quest], has ever even come close to that. It’s ridiculous! I’m not congratulating this woman because she did something amazing. No, I’m in fact congratulating her because she scratched the surface of doing the bare minimum — whereas everybody else in this industry remains 100% blind. It’s ironic. It’s depressing. It makes me question my faith in humanity. Anyway, this woman achieved “the amazing feat” (contains sarcasm) of doing the bare minimum where divine masculine development is concerned: a tiny bit of awareness about what’s wrong. This pales in comparison to what’s left to do: actually addressing what’s wrong.
Twin flame bloggers know a whole bunch about how to heal the world, but they’re misdirecting the guidance towards something a bit too surface-level: finding love. Uhhhh no. That’s not it. Sure, ultimately, you can apply this personal development to any goal — from finding love to finding professional fulfilment or health or whatever — but the work itself is individual. And I’m here to set the record straight because I’m sick of the bullshit and misinformation being spread online.
Most healers are not “fake”, they’re not failing because they pretend to heal others. They have a genuine intention (at least deep down). They truly want to accomplish something. But in the end they don’t, because they refuse to admit they’re divine masculine. I said what I said, and will say it again louder if anyone dares trying to silence me. They’re masculine not because of the pop culture stereotype of masculine we’re all sick of hearing about, but because of the wisdom the Ancients held and immortalised: the masculine has a tendency to seek control and dominance. What is healing, but control over someone’s health? What is intuition, but dominance over where to go next? Etc. See? It doesn’t have to be predatory. You don’t have to be ashamed of it. Own it. Admit it. Re-read the article I linked to, once again now, with what I just said in mind (especially the bit about “feeling unworthy of love”).
I know it may sound outrageous at first, but the more you look into it, the more you’ll see it’s true. Sure, these people pursue and place a lot of value in the divine feminine (sometimes to the point of obsessing about it, or completely devaluing/demonising the masculine), and that’s because twin flames are complimentary. They’ll always value and pursue each other. This valuing and pursuit, without awareness, can become unhealthy and spiral into projection: the masculine-leaning person will either adore, and in extreme cases, envy (“oh my god, masculinity is everything wrong with the world! Let’s be 100% feminine instead”) or demonise, and in extreme cases, combat (“oh my god, masculinity is all that matters! Let’s 100% suppress femininity instead”) their polar opposite. Either way, they’re placing value on this opposite. They’re very far from indifferent. The same is true for the feminine-leaning person, but I’m feeling bitter today and need to express that. Let me. I’m human, lol.
Do you see where I’m getting at? Most healers who take a holistic approach to their job (and therefore need to care about spirituality) are projecting the work they need to do on themselves onto the work they need to do to help others. These are not one and the same. One PRECEDES the other. If you don’t acknowledge that, as a healer, you’re going to keep projecting, you’re going to keep telling your patients “surrender! Surrender! Surrender!” over and over again, “trust me! trust me! trust me!”, over and over again, “know that you’re worthy of being healed!” over and over again… When IN FACT, the one who needs to hear all of these things is YOU.
Let that sink in.
YOU need to surrender more. You need to trust more. You need to feel worthy of what your opposite (divine feminine) has to offer. Stop projecting. If you keep projecting, you’ll keep putting up walls and walls against the patient’s feedback, for example (because you’ll stay on the high horse). You’ll keep acting hypervigilant that your patient might be fooling you or lying to you or being uncooperative [or insert fear here] when in fact none of that matters. Seriously. NONE OF THAT matters. Read it again! Whether any of that is true or not (and it will be or won’t be in each individual case), none of that matters. I’m saying it matter-of-factly, because you need to hear this, healers. You need to truly internalise this message. Stop brushing me off when I bring this message to you. Sit and listen.
If someone comes to you for healing, that’s it, that’s your sign to let you know they truly need what you have to offer — ego responses aside. Ego responses don’t matter. They’ll dissipate on their own, little by little. There’s no need for hypervigilance or paranoia.
But in order to let go of this paranoia, you need to (I’ll repeat again) learn some trust, learn some vulnerability; You need to learn what your opposite already knows and has mastered. Or else you’ll keep asking the already vulnerable person to “get vulnerable” whereas you, yourself, refuse to do the same, and instead resort to always saying you’re “feeling excellent”, or always saying “I won’t burden anyone with my own woes” and all that BUNCH OF BULLSHIT (excuse my French. But really!). You need some basic-level divine feminine qualities. And you can’t learn any of that unless you admit, in the first place, for fuck sake, that you are masculine-leaning.
Now. Right the fuck now. I’m not requesting.
As for me… the feminine-leaning who took ages to admit she was feminine-leaning (mainly because I am not “water” feminine, I’m “earthy” instead just like the mythical character I represent — and it looks more androgynous on a surface level), well, I need to work on divine masculine qualities. The qualities I still haven’t mastered. For example, making myself heard and commanding respect. Perhaps I still have a long way to go, but I’m taking the first step towards it now, however imperfect it may be. I’m confronting the people who need to just sit and listen to me. And I’m doing so without fear.
I’m not healing anybody, that’s not my own calling. I’m shedding light. I’m bringing people the message they need, and they can [exercise their masculine in order to] decide what to do with it.
The message is here. Take it or leave it.