There is no “veil”. There is no “ascension”. There are no “aware” people.

This spiritual mumbo-jumbo comes from the ego.

Lucy the Oracle
5 min readJan 8, 2025

What’s more: authentic (usually indigenous) spiritual practitioners around the world know what I’m hinting at. It’s the western privileged who haven’t gotten the memo.

This article is ranty and sassy and I’m not apologising for that. Don’t like it? Don’t read it.

Photo by Thomas Park on Unsplash

If you want to see with clarity, remove the rose-tinted glasses already and open-up to the realisation that you’re NOT superior to everybody else. I don’t care how many reiki sessions you’ve done or self-improvement retreats you’ve been to. Eat some goddamn humble pie.

Let’s take this by parts. First of all:

There is no veil.

Victorian romanticism aside, there is no veil separating the world of the living from the world of the dead / spirits / other immaterial beings. We’re all on the same plane of existence, together and sharing space. Sorry to inform.

“Oh but the veil gets thinner during Samhain”

Gretchen, shut up. First off, unless you’re a Wiccan or a random inhabitant of a Gaeltacht, please stop pretending you actually use the Irish language term for any practical purposes. In fact, your lack of connection with the culture of the place where you ARE living (indicated by this blind acceptance of something that is likely foreign to you) is already an indicator that you don’t truly care. You’re just using a buzzword. That’s not a sign of wisdom or knowledge, that’s a sign of mindlessness.

Secondly, the Celtic Insular new year (which by the way, the Welsh don’t call Samhain, but do celebrate just as well) is just ONE of the indigenous traditions found worldwide involving communication with the dead and divination practices (or, more recently, pop culture themed around those symbols). Not all of them even happen in November. To give you another European example, there are similar practices and mysteries — likely pre-Christian — in Sweden during the feast of Sankta Lucia (13th of December), so does “the veil” become thinner in December in Sweden? Why not just do the same as it does in Ireland and Britain? It’s in the same hemisphere and continent, for feck sake!

Well, no, it doesn’t, because it doesn’t in any case. It doesn’t even exist to begin with.

What we mistake for a “veil” is simply our unease around the idea of death and [believed] afterlife. Western industrial society runs away from that concept. We pretend we’re not receiving messages and general input from spirit during the other 364 days of the year. That is what’s up. I mean, I work with this stuff. You can find me doing it in July, no problem, babe.

Second of all:

There is no ascension.

Nope, there are no “ascended” people and “unascended” people (by which we’re just being nice but actually mean dumb motherfuckers who have no wisdom. Wow, how high of a horse do you need to utter those words from?). What some people call “5D” is already accessible to everybody, even the homeless meth addict you’re side-eyeing in that shady alley.

“But why are some people suffering so much and making so many self-destructive choices”, maybe you wonder.

Well, that has to do with learning or not learning the life lessons that present themselves to you as you walk your path. But the fact some people paid attention to the events in their lives intelligently and took away valuable lessons from these events… Does not automatically make them transcendental or ethereal human beings we should all admire and fawn over.

In fact, defenestrate the concept of “starseeds” while you’re at it. Please and thank you.

The ability to make helpful or unhelpful choices has nothing to do with how “awakened” you are spiritually, because everyone has the exact same kind of third eye. Ain’t nothing wrong with the third eye we’re born with. We use it when we feel a need, some people haven’t felt the need yet or realised there’s the option, but it doesn’t make them unevolved or “asleep” [or insert derogatory term here].

Please stop implying we need to “ascend” or “awaken” [or insert us-vs-them-terminology here] in any way, or that it’s a permanent process that places you ahead of others. Discernment is learnable but it’s also mundane. And whatever spiritual connection we have, we all have. Zero exceptions. No, there’s no obstruction. There’s no big bad villain separating us from it. And most certainly there are no miracle solutions you can buy for the bargain of [insert price here].

All religions have at least a nugget of truth about how to USE the spiritual connection we all ALREADY HAVE developed equally (not one bit “more” or “less” than our fellow human neighbours). All spiritual paths, ditto. So, pick yours and enjoy.

Third of all, aka last but not least:

There are no aware people.

If we’re talking “big picture”, we’re all equally aware of the same things and unaware of the same other things. We’re connected to higher powers or gods or bigger consciousness or the universe (or whatever you want to call it), but we shouldn’t go on a spiritual ego trip and mistake that for “I am exactly like it”. Because no, that’s wrong. Here, take more humble pie. I have plenty to serve.

If we’re talking small picture… Well, then, yes, some of us know more or less than others. But that’s things like math topics, or home economics, or how to write a melody line for saxophone. Human stuff. Important and super nice, but pretty small in the grand scheme of things.

When spiritual practitioners say “awareness”, they’re aiming big, aren’t they? Aware about the meaning of life; Aware of the answers to every problem; Aware of how to cure anything; Etc. Forget these fantasies. Maybe higher powers know, but we’re limited in comparison and that’s okay. Come down from that high horse. There’s beauty in the ordinary too.

Congratulations, you have been successfully insulted by oracle.

My ancestors used to do that too. In fact, I encourage you to pick up the same habit. Every now and then, it’s needed. Our egos are useful, but sometimes they think too highly of themselves and create problems. That’s ok, it’s a management thing. Let’s keep managing ourselves.



Lucy the Oracle
Lucy the Oracle

Written by Lucy the Oracle

Oracle learner / spirit worker based in Ireland. Buddhist/polytheist. I don't read minds. I don't change minds. I don't sugarcoat. Take my message or leave it.

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